關於Choice Mobile Number (Sim)
This app allows us to locate or find VIP or choice mobile Sim numbers available in your wanted area. When app is started, the 1st screen requires you to login as a customer or a simcard seller. After one time Sign Up and Login as
Customer :
1.> View Offer : The dashboard screen shows you offer available in your city which when clicked on "Get Now" shows you the information about the retailer and also all the offers posted by them
2.> When in options , Reserved number option is clicked ,it displays all the VIP numbers available with its offer price by the vendor which can be further filtered by Telecom Provider Name
3.> Customer can also search number by combinations of number in its position and also it can chose positions of his required number and search based on that criteria.
4.> Customer can also request for his required number in any state or city, in case if he is going to visit that city. If any vendor or retailer has that number in possession, he will contact the customer directly.
- Send notification when retailer add new offers
- Small bug fixes