關於Christmas Warm Place
時尚的APP - 出色的手機個性化,酷炫的娛樂
The application Christmas Warm Place is a simple and beautiful solution. Download and install Christmas Warm Place, take the opportunity to make the screen of your device personalized and unique. Christmas Warm Place - сhoosing your favorite picture or watching a slideshow is great entertainment.
Christmas Warm Place - a great new app. The application Christmas Warm Place has a number of advantages - compatibility with almost all devices, does not need for permanent Internet connection, economical battery consumption, simple user interface settings.
Christmas Warm Place - Personalization and Entertainment. Christmas Warm Place - This is a cool animated appication with realistic effects and impressive high-quality graphics. Completely free interactive appication. The application Christmas Warm Place is not only the ability to set beautiful and stylish APP Personalization. on the screen, but also the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest applications of our team. The application contains the announcement of the best APP in the relevant topics from the developer.
Quick input in the setup by double-tapping the screen. Double-touch screen - Call settings - can be disabled in the settings menu.
This version provides the ability to turn on sounds - touch finger workspace center. To turn off the sound using the settings menu.
Apps Script Christmas Warm Place foresees the presence of additional properties per - lights, stars. The relevant section of the settings set number of animations.
Christmas Warm Place is stable on all popular models of the leading manufacturers of phones and tablet devices. Keep an eye for the release of new updated versions for the application.
Let us know in the mail about your wishes and problems on installing and using the application.
When the application is finished loading, you can view it in the preview window.