關於Chronosoft - Chronograph
The Chronosoft Android App collects shot data from your Combro or Chrony and displays the info on a Android phone or Android Tablet.
Get the free Chronosoft - Chronograph app from Google Play and order your USB Interface cable from www.chronosoft.co.uk , the Android cable also works with a PC and free PC software for the Combro is also available at www.chronosoft.co.uk.
Chronosoft - Chronograph
• Simple to use, just use the USB cable to connect your Combro or Chrony to an Android device.
• Combro also works with a PC and Apple Mac.
• Phone / Tablet / PC is used to power the Combro
• .Automatic re-set after each shot
• Simple Dashboard to display data
• Simple export of your shot string via email. (Excel & Google pages sheet available to display data / Graph FREE)
• Real Time Data - display updates as you shoot.
Info from sales@shronosoft.co.uk
Added support for Chrony M1 - in alpha testing