關於Class 6 History NCERT Solutions
This APP provide the Class 6 History NCERT Solutions. You can learn Class 6 History NCERT Solutions in offline. You can read one section History of Social Science Solutions with this APP.
CBSE Solution for the student. CBSE board follows the NCERT Solutions for all the classes. NCERT Solutions For Class 6 History in Offline.
The offline Solutions of NCERT of History for Class 6. This APP work perfectly in offline.
Chapter List:
Chapter 1: What, Where, How and When?
Chapter 2: From Hunting – Gathering to Growing Food
Chapter 3: In the Earliest Cities
Chapter 4: What Books and Burials Tell Us
Chapter 5: Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic
Chapter 6: New Questions and Ideas
Chapter 7: Ashoka, The Emperor who Gave up War
Chapter 8: Vital Villages, Thriving Towns
Chapter 9: Traders, Kings and Pilgrims
Chapter 10: New Empires and Kingdoms
Chapter 11: Buildings, Paintings and Books