關於Clean and Simple - Manager
* Clean and Small - File Manager
Manage your files (file explorer) using this ultimate file manager with clean and small UI, which makes it very efficient for the user to access or use their files without any lag. The small UI makes it look clean and visible to the eye. With the newly added Gallery and music manager its better than ever.
This file manager comes with ZIP extractor and compressor in-built.
Features List:
* Multiple resolutions support
* Supports vietnamese languages
* List view for file explorer
* Compress and decompress support (zip extract in-built)
* Basic features like copy, delete, compress, extract etc. easily accessible
* Cool theme which is soft
* Comes with a Gallery App and Music player inbuilt
* Requires only the useful permissions
* No data will be stolen with or without user's consent (Check Privacy Policy)
* and the list goes on... since more feature will be coming in future updates.
* A way of sorting files quickly.
* Attractive Gradient material Design UI/UX
Light & smooth
Simple & clean
Uses basic designs for fastest performance.
Any issue? Email us at provided email to know more, we try to reply asap.