關於CoWIN Vaccine Slot Finder
Check Vaccine Slot & Live notification of availability based on pincode/district
CoWIN Vaccine Slot Finder helps users to quickly find availability of vaccine based on pin code, district and age wise. You will also get alert on your mobile as soon as a slot is found based on chosen criteria.
It finds real time availability of vaccine every 20 sec and notifies you with the sound of your choice.
This app will help Indians to book slot at CoWIN. This app does not need any special permission.
Steps to Use the App:
1.Install the App.
2.In home page choose between search by pin-code or district.
3.Enter the pin-code or select the district and city.
4.Choose age group.
5.Choose Which Dose you want 1st or second then press check availability.
This app directly connects with CoWIN APIs and provides real time data.