關於Cricket Bat Maker Factory Game
Make or Design cricket bats in sports factory & sell to market to become tycoon!
Welcome to play cricket bat making games for cricket lovers having cricket world cup fever. Let’s start playing cricket bat maker factory or cricket games from the trending list of new factory games 2021. You have played many baseball games or cricket wicket keeping games but this cricket world cup 2021 game has fun to play features not present in other cricket fever games & cricket wicket keeper games. Little expert cricket player let’s play to build or construct your own cricket bat factory and become business tycoon of the town. This cricket bat game & cricket ball game of cricket bat maker factory provides little builders a chance to become little millionaire of the us town by designing & manufacturing best handmade bats in cricket bat making factory games and sell cricket kits to different sports shops to earn dollar cash.
Cricket Bat Maker Factory - Bat Making Game Story Line
Hero factory worker! Let’s move into the cricket bat & ball factory to fulfill your guli cricket fever of cricket league 2021 by making handmade bat & ball in tennis ball factory to make this cricket wicket game as one of the best cricket games in the world. The expert cricket players want cricket sixer bat & baseball bat to play cricket match in the cricket stadium because of fast cricket trend & t20 cricket simulator. Expert manager it’s your factory duty to create special power hitting bats in cricket bat & baseball bat factory. Now go to the forest jungle to get timber woods by cutting trees through your wooden axe like expert wood cutter & wood carpenter.
First cut the timber logs into cubic shape with the help of automated laser machine. Now make wooden slices through slicer machine to make fine quality bats like expert carpenter. Shape the wooden slice into finished bat by finisher machine and polish the bat with polisher machine and apply all your cricket batting tips & tricks in manufacturing of bats, balls or wickets. Be careful little carpenter during the fixing of rubber grip on the handle bat with sticky glue and make fine quality & easy grip because the handmade bat quality depends upon the handle grip of guli bat for smooth sixers and fours.
Now carefully pack the cricket bats in packing boxes within packing department of bat making factory. After packing cricket bat, load the packed boxes through fork lifter on the exporter truck and deliver new cricket bats to different sports shop, cricket ground and sports shopping malls to earn dollar cash. Congrats little manager!