DAE app is an information and educational content-sharing platform for a community of alternative education in Myanmar.
This app is designed to foster communication among all actors in the field of alternative education in Myanmar, including the government, NGOs, teachers and facilitators, school personnel, researchers and relevant UN agencies. The app offers a variety of resources related to lifelong learning, alternative education, school-level non-formal education, adult education, and research studies in English or Myanmar language. All resources are organized in these thematic areas.
With the leadership of the Ministry of Education’s DAE in Myanmar, the Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU) and UNESCO Bangkok have provided educationally underserved children in Myanmar with learning opportunities equivalent to formal education. As part of this effort, the KNCU supported the DAE in enhancing its institutional capacity by developing this mobile application, which enables them to provide the alternative education community with easy access to up-to-date information and relevant teaching-learning materials.