關於Daily Devotionals
It's essential for us as Christian's to take a time of daily devotions every day to connect with God and read his daily gospel. With the free daily devotional provided for you, this app will help you to do just that! And this free app is ready to adjust your daily devotions to the way you like it with loads of features that will make your daily devotional personal for you.
> New devotionals available every day for your daily devotions
> Comfortable reading viewer
> Save your favorite daily devotionals for use later
> Get notified of when the daily devotional is available
> Search for devotionals on specific topics
> Share what you like on Facebook
> NEW full archive of all devotionals
> NEW stunning and user friendly interface
> Lots of customization options
"I've looked at every devotional app and this is just the best one I found."
5 star review by Ricky Thomas
"I feel connected to God! The more I read these daily devotions the more connected I'm becoming."
5 star review by MC
"This daily devotional app really helped me A LOT! Especially when my faith was hanging."
5 star review by Esther Abigail Rodriguez
"Beyond the best devotional I have found! I love this!! Good work!"
5 star review by Mel G.
- Security updates
- Bug fixes