關於Daily Weather Forecast & Radar
Daily Weather Forecast & Radar is a professional weather forecasts App help you get weather forecast for next 24 hours and 7 days.
Wherever you go, Weather Forecast & Radar App always provide accurate weather forecasts for more than 200.000 cities and any geo locations.
Weather Forecast & Radar App give you full Weather Description about: Humidity, Wind Speed, Cloudiness, Pressure, Precipitation Probability, Sunrise Time, Sunset Time.
Daily Weather Forecast & Radar is very easy to use. Just open app, enable data service (Wifi or Data network), click on refresh button, then you will receive the weather forecasts in your local location.
Daily Weather Forecast & Radar App is the best friend for Your Travel Preparation with simple UI design, Two Display themes and Notifications service.
This Weather Forecast App provides you Weather Forecast Graphs (Temperature graphs, Wind graphs, Snow graphs, Rain graphs) for next 7 days.
▶▶▶▶▶▶▶▶▶ App Features ◀◀◀◀◀◀◀◀◀
★★★ Current Weather Forecast Screen ★★★
▶ Give you full information weather forecast about Humidity, Wind Speed, Cloudiness, Pressure, Precipitation Probability, Sunrise Time, Sunset Time for next 24 hours and allow you to share it with your friends.
★★★ Daily Weather Forecast Screen ★★★
▶ Give you full information weather forecast about the next 7 days also with special description about: Humidity, Wind Speed, Cloudiness, Pressure, Precipitation Probability.
★★★ Graphs Weather Forecast Screen ★★★
▶ Provides you full information about Temperature graphs, Wind graphs, Snow graphs, Rain graphs for next 7 days.
★★★ Settings Weather Forecast Screen ★★★
▶ In General Settings you can choose between 2 Unit Temperature (Celcius, Fahrenheit), Enable/Disable Notifications service and change Display theme between Light and Dark.
▶ In Widget Settings you can set Update Period (15 Minutes, 30 Minutes, Every hour,.... etc), and choose between 3 theme (Dark, Light, Transparent), and Enable/Disable Update Location.
▶▶▶ Notes ◀◀◀
▶ This App based on the Open Source App at Github (Project Url: https://github.com/qqq3/good-weather)
Please contact us via email at ([email protected]) or via our facebook page ( https://facebook.com/ATA-Droid-203617193441113/ ) to give us feedback and any suggestion about our app.
▶▶▶ Thanks for use Daily Weather Forecast & Radar ◀◀◀
▶ Bug fixing and Stability improvements