關於DhrubPrep | Bank PO/Clerk, SSC
Dhrub Prep is an online platform, started by Dhrub Singh (one of India's leading aptitude trainers ) for those students who have no access to top notch trainers, have difficulties to come to Delhi or any other metro or have any other constraints. Now they have same advantages as those of other competing aspirants who have come to Delhi or any other metro for competitive exam prep.
Dhrub Singh, a post graduate in maths, an alumnus of Hindu college, Delhi University, is a nationally renowned trainer for aptitude tests aspirants. For the last 20 years he has been training students of varions competitive exams. Till date he has trained approximately one lakh students for various aptitude tests -Bank PO/Clerk, SSC , civils, CAT, GMAT, GRE etc. He is associated with leading trainig institutes of India - Chanakya IAS Academy, Jain IAS, Dikshant IAS, BSC Academy (Banking services Chronicle ), Meghalya Chief Minister's career guindance program etc.
He has keen interest in logic and numbers and has conducted many seminars and related activities for the benefit of students. He is not only a trainer but also a motivator, a guide, a friend for the aspiring candidates.