關於Diamond Pink Rose Lock screen: lovely pink flowers
Diamond Pink Rose Lock Screen with passcode love pink flowers wallpaper download
Diamond Pink Rose Lock Screen with passcode is the best app to lock your android screen lock screen system os, with Cool hand spinners wallpaper, If you are one of Diamond Pink Rose lovers this application is for you, every time you open your Smartphone you will see a beautiful finger spinners wallpapers and in the same time you save your privacy with this lock screen app by using a passcode method to secure your phone and make it spinning!! take a try, this app will be useful with more than 20+ Diamond Pink Rose wallpaper
- Diamond Pink Rose Lock Screen
- Anime slide to unlock.
- Option to change the text "Slide to unlock" as you want with your name, quote, lover's name....
- Set the passcode.
- Protects your phone against Breakthrough privacy
- Diamond Pink Rose Lock Screen wallpapers.
- Fast and Easy to use.
- Diamond Pink Rose backgrounds.
- Diamond Pink Rose.
- HD UI.
-- Battery Status
- Date and Time
- Easy and simple to unlock your phone
- HD Graphics with beautiful wallpaper showing a nice, colorfulandawesome CONAN
- Enable / Disable the lock from settings menu.
◇⁛◇How to use Diamond Pink Rose Lock Screen hd◇⁛◇
- In "Settings Menu"to active this app "Diamond Pink Rose Lock screen: Pin spinner LockScreen" choose "enable Lock" the anime lock screen slide will be active,
- Choose "Activate passcode" to set our own code pin to your phone
- Choose your perfect and lovely Diamond Pink Rose wallpaper to lock with it screen phone
- You can change the anime unlock text as you want.
- Choose the timeout
- Enable sound
- Enable Vibrate
Diamond Pink Rose is a type of stress-relieving toy. Personalize your phone with Diamond Pink Rose pictures and FREE Diamond Pink Rose password to protect your privacy with password lock screen.
◇⁛◇Stay Focused! Coming Soon! More apps◇⁛◇
Download Diamond Pink Rose Lock screen: spinners LockScreen now for free!!
◇⁛◇Coming Soon apps◇⁛◇
* Cute Bear Zipper Lock screen
* Cute Puppy Zipper Lock screen
* Glitter Zipper Lock screen
* Happy Women’s Day Zipper Lock screen
* Ketty & Puppy Zipper Lock screen
* Love Zipper Lock screen
* Islamic Zipper Lock screen
* Joker zipper lockscreen
* Raindrops Zipper Lock screen
* Puppy Zipper Lock screen
* Sunset Zipper Lock screen
* Diamond Zipper Lock screen
* Jeans Zipper Lock screen
* Paris Zipper Lock Screen
* Sharingan Zipper Lock Screen
* Spring Flowers Zipper Lock Screen
* Spring Flower Hd Zipper Lock Screen
* Dubai Night Zipper Lock Screen
* Dubai Zipper Lock Screen
* Sunset Zipper Lock Screen
* friuts zipper lock screen
* Emoji lock screen free
* Diamond Pink Rose Fingerprint Lockscreen
* live wallpaper 3d wallpaper
* Conan Zipper Lock Screen
* Applock & Vault: Smart Security-Privacy Guard pro
◇you may also say◇
flowers screen hd, Diamond Pink Rose lock screen, spinner launcher lock screen, spinner light lock screen, spinner 3d lock screen, Red rose spinners, Diamond Pink Rose Lock screen theme,Diamond Pink Rose Lock Screen compatible with all android devices like following devices: Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, Galaxy S5, Diamond Pink Rose samsung mobiles os8, os9,os10 Lock Screen , HTC One, HTC Explorer, HTC M8, HTC One, HTC M8. LG2, LG3, LG Optimus G, Sony Xperia Z1, Xperia Z2, Xperia Z3, Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7, Infinix, Oppo
- This app is an independent one and is not affiliated with any other company including
◇⁛◇Support us◇⁛◇
◇Thanks for using Diamond Pink Rose LockScreen, if you like this app lock, please don't forget to leve a good review and tell us about the experience, please help to spread AppLock to your friends
◇This application complies with US Copyright law guidelines of "fair use"
◇if your feel there is a direct copyright or trademark violation that doesn't follow within the "fair use" guidelines please contact us directly.
and we will solve all problems as soon as
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