This is the first part of three part "Digha Nikaya" (Collection of Long Discourses) is a Buddhist scripture, the first of the five nikayas, or collections, in the Sutta Pitaka, which is one of the "three baskets" that compose the Pali Tipitaka of (Theravada) Buddhism. Some of the most commonly referenced suttas from the Digha Nikaya include the Maha-parinibbana Sutta , which described the final days and death of the Buddha, the Sigalovada Sutta in which the Buddha discusses ethics and practices for lay followers, and the Samaññaphala , Brahmajala Sutta which describes and compares the point of view of Buddha and other ascetics in India about the universe and time (past, present, and future); and Potthapada Suttas, which describe the benefits and practice of samatha meditation. This book is written by Dharmaratna Mahathero in Bengali and Published by Nirbankami.