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You want to download HD photos or videos from Instagram and IGTV?
Looking for an app that can easily download or repost Instagram images and videos without logging in ?
This Insta download and repost app is definitely what you want!
DownloadGram can help you save Instagram photos and videos in simple steps. It is super fast🚀 and 100% free.
Imagine you are on the feed of Instagram and interested in a photo or video, you want to save the photo or video and review offline, or share with friends, or repost to Instagram or other social media. Then how?
With another IG download or repost app, you must log in to Instagram in their app then scroll to the video or photo while your feed is updated continuously. It's complicated and such a waste of time, and sometimes you find it unsafe to login to Instagram in a third-party app.
With Video Downloader for Instagram and Repost Instagram App, you don’t need to log in. Just copy the link or share the link of the post and then the download will automatically start. It is super easy and fast. You can easily download photos and videos to your Android device. This way, you can enjoy downloaded photos and videos anytime, or share it with others. You can also easily copy hashtags and captions for the repost.