關於Dr. Fariza's Care
Your most fertile time is a few days prior to ovulation and up to a day after.
Hi Friends, This application is devised by me and tailor made & customized accordingly to Indian pregnant females to clear their doubts and essential do’s & don’ts tips for effective and healthy motherhood.
It gives you detailed and easily understandable stages of the pregnancy. It also has tricks and remedies for various pregnancy related problems like, dizziness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids, stretch marks, heartburn, pains & woes, tooth care, acne, swollen feat, insomnia, varicose veins, etc.
It clears your doubts regards Sonography, Investigation, sex during pregnancy, exercise, diet, sleeping position, labour pains, NST.
It gives you guidance regards, breast care, baby feeding, labour positioning, normal delivery, Vacuum & LSCS, Episiotomy care & painless labour.
I have added a few tools like
Weight Tracker
Kick Counter
Kegel Device
Contraction Chart
Which will guide you throughout 9 months & Labour & Postpartum care.
I have also added few advices & warnings being a Gynaecologist & Obstetrician myself which will be very helpful to you & to know when to contact your health care professional.
Also you can communicate the graphs of kick counter and contraction chart if in case of doubt through this and get my guidance & support when needed.
Wish you Happy, blessed and fruitful pregnancy.