關於East West
East West is an educational platform to train, learn and build a community for East West staff and potential clients. We are a community of like-minded individuals that believe that having the ability to have an app that drives your community to one specific platform will increase your awareness.
Discover and improve yourself daily and experience what our platform does and how it can improve your business. Easily access training, videos, personal development tools and share information in the app with your team and the East West community.
With East West you get immediate access to exciting mobile and online training programs that are specifically designed to train staff on how to get the most out of their day to day responsibilities and preview the platform we build and provide. Learn and Grow with fun addictive games and when you feel ready, challenge your friends and track your progress.
Features Include:
-- Channels: Discover and follow topics that interest you
-- Training: Experience the power of multi-media and real-time conversations
-- Development: Gamify and Track your daily activity within your community
-- Chat: Interact with your community real time with direct, group, BCC and Broadcasting message features