關於EKOTON Industrial Group
EKOTON PRODEKO-麋鹿科學生產綜合體。虛擬之旅(麋鹿,波蘭)
EKOTON PRODEKO-Elk scientific-production complex.
Virtual tour (Elk, Poland)
EKOTON is a leading manufacturer of equipment for wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering in the Europe.
The company produces more the 35 different types of equipment for mechanical, biological, physic-chemical wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering of its own design.
Production base of EKOTON company is three powerful plants, equipped with the latest technology of modern production, capable to manufacture serial products and to solve almost any problem of the production of the nonstandard equipment.
One of the main advantages of our company which gives us preferences on our markets is being close and responsive to the customers for many years. We try never to stop only with the equipment supply, we try to stay with each customer making service of our equipment.
Good skilled engineering staff which is about 30 people gives us a possibility to develop our products making them better and better every year.
Company`s R&D center gets about 5 patents annualy for innovative developments and improvements.
EKOTON equipment successfully work more 1000 facilities in 19 countries around the world.