關於electrical engineering
electrical engineering notes,question,answer & 24 x 7 help for FREE
1. Introduction of electrical engineering
2. Voltage and current
3. Electric Potential and Voltage
4. Conductors and Insulators
5. Conventional versus electron flow
6. Ohm's Law
7. Kirchoff's Voltage Law (KVL)
8. Kirchoff's Current Law (KCL)
9. Polarity of voltage drops
10. Branch current method
11. Mesh current method
12. Introduction to network theorems
13. Thevenin's Theorem
14. Norton's Theorem
15. Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
16. star-delta transformation
17. Source Transformation
18. voltage and current sources
19. loop and nodal methods of analysis
20. Unilateral and Bilateral elements
21. Active and passive elements
22. alternating current (AC)
23. AC Waveforms
24. The Average and Effective Value of an AC Waveform
25. RMS Value of an AC Waveform
26. Generation of Sinusoidal (AC) Voltage Waveform
27. Concept of Phasor
28. Phase Difference
29. The Cosine Waveform
30. Representation of Sinusoidal Signal by a Phasor
31. Phasor representation of Voltage and Current
32. AC inductor circuits
33. Series resistor-inductor circuits: Impedance
34. Inductor quirks
35. Review of Resistance, Reactance, and Impedance
36. Series R, L, and C
37. Parallel R, L, and C
38. Series-parallel R, L, and C
39. Susceptance and Admittance
40. Simple parallel (tank circuit) resonance
41. Simple series resonance
42. Power in AC Circuits
43. Power Factor
44. Power Factor Correction
45. Quality Factor and Bandwidth of a Resonant Circuit
46. Generation of Three-phase Balanced Voltages
47. Three-Phase, Four-Wire System
48. Wye and delta configurations
49. Distinction between line and phase voltages, and line and phase currents
50. Power in balanced three-phase circuits
51. Phase rotation
52. Three-phase Y and Delta configurations
53. Measurement of Power in Three phase circuit
54. Introduction of measuring instruments
55. Various forces/torques required in measuring instruments
56. General Theory Permanent Magnet Moving Coil (PMMC) Instruments
57. Working Principles of PMMC
58. A multi-range ammeters
59. Multi-range voltmeter
60. Basic principle operation of Moving-iron Instruments
61. Construction of Moving-iron Instruments
62. Shunts and Multipliers for MI instruments
63. Dynamometer type Wattmeter
64. Introduction to Power System
66. Magnetic Circuit
67. B-H Characteristics
68. Analysis of Series magnetic circuit
69. Analysis of series-parallel magnetic circuit
70. Different laws for calculating magnetic field-Biot-Savart law
71. Amperes circuital law
72. Reluctance & permeance
73. Introduction of Eddy Current & Hysteresis Losses
74. Eddy current
75. Derivation of an expression for eddy current loss in a thin plate
76. Hysteresis Loss
77. Hysteresis loss & loop area
78. Steinmetzs empirical formula for hysteresis loss
79. Inductor
80. Force between two opposite faces of the core across an air gap
81. ideal transformer
82. Practical transformer
83. equivalent circuit
84. Efficiency of transformer
85. Auto-Transformer
86. Introduction of D.C Machines
87. D.C machine Armature Winding
88. EMF Equation
89. Torque equation