關於Electromagnetic Field Detector - EMF
- Ghost Field Detector!
- This tool measures the magnetic flux and anomalies in the place and also of objects.
- Ghost Field Meter captures the value of the magnetic field unable to view with the human eye.
- Paranormal investigators use this device because ghosts have a electric-magnetic-field or they can also influence different fields.
- This Electro magnetic fiel detector has also a particle system that represents the force of the flux.
- The tool is able to detect different sensible changes in the environment, to identify possible paranormal success happening.
- The unit of measure is the microTesla.
- The spirit manifestation are also called appearance.
- Check it and see if you can get any phantom experience or anomaly.
- With this tool you can also detect the field of different metals, magnets and high voltage places.
- Ideal for paranormal investigations, urbex, abandoned explorations or simply students.
-- Called also Ghost Tracker, Seer and Mentalist app.