E.L.G Group Real Estate Investment House is a company jointly owned by Mr. Yochai Effinger and Mr. Elhanan Leizerovitz.
The two entrepreneurs have working in real estate and construction industry for many years and they have vast experience in managing investments and marketing various large-scale real estate and construction projects.
The Company's activity focuses on locating properties with high improvement potential, such as change of status and increase of building percentages. After such properties are located, the Company purchases the assets and offers investors to join as part of the financing of the deal and thus positioning the investor immediately at the beginning of the improvement process in order to leverage the profit.
As part of the Company’s strict policy, it finances a large part of the deal and thus constitutes an active partner to the investor. This is what distinguishes ELG from all the other companies operating in this field.
The Company also offers various projects, and according to its policy, the offer is first provided to the company's existing investors, making them long-term partners.