關於ElNet PPS v1.5
ELNetPPS v1.5 - 預付費電錶詳情(限量特寫)
Demo User Login: Settings - Demo
Username: demo
Password: demoCheck
Demo Users can use Test Meter Results in order to know the features which are available in ElNetPPS v1.5 app. Kindly check with your admin to get the IP and Port Number for your meter to get the LIVE data.
Still if you want to see the test data then go for "Register for Demo" option -> Enter required details -> Proceed for Demo
ELNet PPS v1.5 is a mobile app for pre-paid electricity meters which are connected Grid. ELNet PPS v1.5 App helps to view and manage electricity consumption and check balance from the mobile phone in an incredibly convenient way.
This module shows average monthly EB along with the expected Recharge Days and Meter Balance.
User can view & edit their profile details also they can change the login password.
Live Update:
In this module user can view all the current electricity data. User can see the supply mode either Grid or DG, Present load (Watts), Meter balance, EB reading.
* Minor Bugs Fixed