關於Endless Ad Video
What comes to your mind when one says advertisement? Okay, now leave all that aside. This is not the advertisement you know about.
This may sound a bit cliché, but really, it's not. This advertisement video has neither a script, an actor, nor a cameraman; you are all of that.
Get infront of the camera for a future that there is no racism and sexism, and differences are loved; you can sing, dance, tell about yourself or even leave a message for the future you. You can test your limits or not; and just wave at the camera, smiling, for hours. Send the video you recorded to us. We will add it to this video.
Let's make the world's longest and most unique advertisement video together, turning this to an edless loop. The longer the video is, the more people will be attracted, and that way we can spread our message to a wider audience.