關於English to Hindi Translator
I can translate Hindi-English, English-Hindi through text, voice, & camera
Free English to Hindi Translator is the best app for translating language
as Hindi-English, English-Hindi.It can translate language through text, voice, camera.
If you want to translate using a photo(screenshots), Just upload the photo in Free English to Hindi Translator,
in seconds your uploaded photo translates into your desirable language(Hindi-English, English Hindi).
It app is a very secure, relevant,& Free app.
- Free,secure,relevant
- Easily translate( English-Hindi, Hindi-English)
- translate through(text, voice, camera)
- include offline dictionary
- All Language Translation Supported 109 countries languages vice-versa translation.
- Translate your voice using (Voice translator).
- Copy and paste source and translate text.
- almost support Up to 150 languages translation
- Translate Share your text (Social Media or other)
- Translate History automatic save
- Learn languages quickly translate languages
Permissions Notice
Free English to Hindi may ask for permission to access the following features:
- Microphone for speech translation
- Camera for translating text via the camera
- SMS for translating text messages
- External storage for downloading offline translation data
- Accounts and credentials for signing-in and syncing across devices
Hope you like this application
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