關於Face Swap Face Switch
Face Swap Face Switch is able to switch and swap faces and add stickers
If you want to try a real simple and funny face swap face for fun ;Face Swap Face Switch and stickers is the simplest solution for this request .
-face swap with celebrities and youtubers
-celebrity face swap live video
this application give you the option to replace faces or swapt hem by choosing the faces in your images .it also gives you handred of funny stickers to add them to your pics ,face swap .live switch faces with friends and photos in live video ,face swap celebrity
All you need is a great picture of you and your friend or family or even with your dog to start the funny part ,youtuber face swap.
**how it works**
1-Start the application
2-Take a picture of you or downlowd it from the galery
3-Choose faces to swap .
4-Click on SWITCH button .
5-Added stickers of your cjoice