關於FaceTracker Sample
Non-rigid Face Tracking using OpenCV for Unity
This asset is the Non-rigid Face Tracking Sample that can model and track the many complex parts of a person’s face in WebCamTexture in real-time.
Code is the rewrite of https://github.com/MasteringOpenCV/code/tree/master/Chapter6_NonRigidFaceTracking using the "OpenCV for Unity".
・Texture2DFaceTrackerSample - By detecting and tracking face from Texture2D, draw face’s points and connections.
・WebCamTextureFaceTrackerSample - By detecting and tracking face from WebCamTexture, draw face’s points and connections.
・FaceTrackerARSample - By using the tracking points of the face, display AR Object.
[Common]Added AutoResetMode.
[Common]Improved the processing speed slightly.
[Common]Changed namespace to OpenCVFaceTracker.(To avoid namespace and classname conflict.)
[Common]Fixed CS0618 warnings: `UnityEngine.Application.LoadLevel(string)' is obsolete: `Use SceneManager.LoadScene'.
[Common]Changed to methods of moving the AR object.
[Common]Support for “OpenCV for Unity 2.0.0”.