關於Faith-Hope-Love-Fear wallpapers in KJV-free
Build your faith, hope, love and fear of God via scriptures on wallpapers - free
This app is made up of special scriptures on faith, hope, love and fear displayed on wallpapers with diverse backgrounds. The relevance of the Word of God in this world cannot be overemphasized therefore the need to present it in various forms to meet the needs of diverse audience.
The app has the following tabs at menu: Latest; Categories; My Favourites; Rate App; About Us; Setting.
At ‘Latest’, we have all the recent wallpapers.
Under ‘Categories’, there are 3 main groups: Faith, Hope, Love and Fear.
Under ‘Favourites’, a user can save favourites wallpapers and refer to these later.
At ‘Settings’, a user has the option of setting the times that notifications should work. This is to ensure that the app does not become an irritant but a blessing to the user. Two notifications exist for the user.