關於Fancy Voice Recorder
This small application can record your voice and playback it.
More - playback it reversed.
Moreover - playback it fast or slow. ;)
Moreover - you can save your voice in files.
You can use this application in two modes:
Simple mode : record your voice and playback it.
Fun mode : are you sure you can easily repeat what is said backwards ? ;)
In this mode can play two.
Second player covers his ears, when first player records any word or phrase.
Thereafter, second player listens to the reversed word or phrase that the first player recorded and tries to repeat it.
Player's goal - say as accurately as possible.
After the second player recorded himself, listen to both version - the recording of the first player in "normal" mode and the record of second player in "reverse" mode.
Compare - does it sound the same ? :)
v1.5 : bug fixing, changes in UI, localization ( UA, RU )
v1.4 : bug fixing
v1.2 : Load/Save functionality added