關於FAST Quiz
Good news for medical students, Specially those who are preparing for MBBS or other medical and chemistry related entry tests. FAST Quiz is an quiz app, which will test your skills in Biology, physics and chemistry. It will have explanation for each question to enhance your knowledge. They are well written and well solved(It has Numerical solutions for physics).
Some features and how to use:
You will lose 5 points if you select wrong answer and you will gain 15 points if you answer correct. However, you can skip a question.
Furthermore, It has multi player option so that you can challenge your friends and know where you are standing in the competition from them.
It has features where you can be on the top if you are the highest scorer on a particular chapter.
Moreover, There are 30+ questions in each chapter for now, and we will be adding more every week.
We guarantee a beautiful design and easy to use app, we guarantee to enhance your knowledge and we guarantee to provide you a app which pushes the limit for entry test preparations.