關於Fast Voice Translator
🌴 This app is a fast translator with speech recognition. You can pronounce sentences to be translated by the speech recognition tool or simply writing.Translations return in just a few seconds, then the voice synthesizer repeats the translated text into the chosen language.This app can be used to learn new languages. You can share your translation with any social network or app. You can also share informations from other apps with FastTranslator. The strength of Fast Translator is: USABILITY AND QUICKNESS.
🌴 It is a fast translator with functionality of speech recognition and synthesis: therefore recognize your voice, resulting in one of the 60 languages available, then reproduces the text translated by the voice synthesizer (you can always stop the synthesis with the button stop).
🌴 Features:
🌺Tap to Translate: Copy text in any app and your translation pops up
🌺Session Translation: Dialogue between the two languages translation.
🌺Multi-language translation: Simultaneous translation into many languages.
🌺Session Storage: Use session saved your translation data, easy to organize and view.
🌴 Voice input support:
Afrikaans,Arabic,Czech,German,English,Spanish,French,Indonesian,Italian,Hebrew,Japanese,Korean,Latin,Malay,Dutch,Polish,Portuguese,Russian,Turkish,Chinese (Simplified),Chinese (Traditional)
🌴 Usage:
🌺It needs an internet connection;
🌺Translate records can always see;
🌺Use long press menu operation of translation data;