關於FB Feeds Notifier
Never miss an important post!! .. Would you like to keep in touch with your favorite FB pages without opening the FB application?! Now you can receive notifications from your favorite pages and never miss a post or update .. By using our application “FB Feeds Notifier”, all you need to do is set a username for your favorite pages and interval for getting updates and keep updated all the time.
- Easy usage.
- Always keep updated with the last posts.
- Setting your preferred interval for getting feeds from the pages.
- Clear all previous posts which are added 24 hours before.
- You can either check the post seperately or access it on FB.
- You can turn on/off getting notifications any time.
- Multi-Language Support.
- Easy customize.
- New AdMob.
If you need the source code of this app, You can get it from the following link:
Note: the logos in the app are owned to Facebook CO