* Fixed the issue that required users to clear the app's data/cache to get the previous version to work
* Improvements to photo uploading
* Fixes for equipment scanning
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 FGS Mobile 3.0 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 FGS Mobile 3.0 所有舊版本。下載 FGS Mobile 3.0 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
* Fixed the issue that required users to clear the app's data/cache to get the previous version to work
* Improvements to photo uploading
* Fixes for equipment scanning
3.15.4: Fix for inability to add multiple Rooms to Chambers-
3.15.3 Content:
*Login using fingerprint/face
*Ability to change your password
*German & French-Canadian Languages
*Legend Brands Equipment Quick-Start Integration
*Scan multiple pieces of equipment
*Reduced the # of toast notifications shown
*You can now view all notes for a job instead of only 20
*Notes will now display the date and time of creation
*Fixed Completed Date not displaying in Job Details
*Misc fixes & improvements
•Automatic connection check every 5 minutes. If poor connection is detected, it will either automatically enter Offline Mode or suggest it. Configurable in settings
•Manually enter/exit Offline Mode via new button in settings
•Spanish language support
•Moisture meter selected when creating a moisture point will now be preselected for subsequent points on the visit
•Moisture material types of Hardwood and Softwood
•Resolved reappearing dry moisture points issue
•Improvements to syncing
Major Enhancements to Photos:
- Ability to select & upload up to 20 photos at a time from the camera roll
- Apply a single description to batches of photos
- Improvements to photo syncing
Other Enhancements:
- Moisture Point Auto-Sequencing
- Ability to add or edit Customer Phone #s & Email Addresses in Job Details
- Improvements to the syncing of Notes and DryTrack
- Resolved a few issues in the main equipment section that could cause the app to crash in certain scenarios
- New “Readings Needed” indicators make it easier to quickly identify what areas have dehumidifiers or moisture points that require readings on each DryTrack visit.
- Air Movers added to a previous visit in DryTrack will now show on all subsequent visits
- You can now enter negative temperatures in DryTrack
- Addressed an issue where address links would occasionally not open in mapping applications correctly
- Increased the character limit of Contact Notes
-Improvements to buttons & tabs throughout the app
-Remove All button for equipment in DryTrack
-Removed Equipment in DryTrack will now show as grayed-out
-Secondary options are now presented when an item is tapped instead of requiring a press/hold
-Customer Email Address is now available when creating a job
-Limited the number of job downloads to 10 in order to improve performance
-Sync Now button for photo-uploading
-Support of Other Document tasks
-Misc fixes & improvements
- New "+" menu in DryTrack: Tap the + in the top right corner to quickly add new rooms, equipment, moisture points, & drying standards
- Program Highlights & Loss Type now listed on the Job Details screen
- Action Item lists now sorted by earliest due-date first
- Fixed an issue with automatic note creation for Job Task completions
- Improved usability of multi-select lists
- Added validation to ensure all photos are uploaded with a file extension
- Photo uploading will now occur in the background.
- DryTrack will now sync more frequently.
- Job lists will now load faster.
- Job lists can be manually refreshed by pulling down from the top of a list.
- Jobs will now download faster.
- Selecting multiple items by tapping anywhere on the desired item row.
- Job Tasks can now be added to a Job from the Job’s screen.
- Font size has been increased in several areas.
- Equipment Scan will now trim off any trailing spaces.
- Other Enhancements
-Ability to add Internal Participants to new Jobs created in Mobile
-Ability to add or edit Internal Participants on existing Jobs
-Added Customer Phone # Descriptions to Job Details screen
-Fixed an issue with Moisture Points not displaying until “Show Dry Points” was toggled
-Improvements to the documents process
-Fixed issues around setting/resetting PIN Code
-Fixed issues around offline photo capture
-Improvements to overall app performance
-Fixed Android app crashing issues
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