關於Fill Number
Each row, column and block (9 squares each) needs to be filled out with the numbers 1-9, without repeating any numbers within the row, column or block.
The game is a grid of 81 squares. The grid is divided into nine blocks, Each block contains 9 squares arranged in 3 rows and 3 columns.
Use Numbers 1-9. Each number can only appear once in a row, column or block:
+ When you start a game, some squares will be pre-filled for you. You cannot change these numbers in the course of the game.
+ Each column must contain all of the numbers 1 through 9 and no two numbers in the same column of a number puzzle can be the same.
+ Each row must contain all of the numbers 1 through 9 and no two numbers in the same row of a number puzzle can be the same.
+ Each block must contain all of the numbers 1 through 9 and no two numbers in the same block of a number puzzle can be the same.
Click empty square to fill number:
+ Choose number from popup numbers
+ Repeated number in row, column or block are removed
Number puzzle level:
+ The more spaces filled in, the easier the game
+ The more difficult number puzzles have very few spaces that are already filled in.
Random number puzzle:
+ Choose level to create random number puzzle
+ Level number is empty squares count
+ Simple from level 1
+ Easy to get started
Classic puzzles:
+ Click bottom puzzle icon to choose
+ Relatively difficult
Undo fill
+ All numbers you filled can undo
+ Multiple attempt
Top info area:
+ Top left is time you spent on this game, click to set text color
+ Top right is game level, click to choose level you want
+ Click empty ground to set title background color
+ Restart game
+ Game theme, change grid color, title color, operate button color, game background color.
Fill number rewards patience, insights, and recognition of patterns, not blind luck or guessing.