關於Flag Quiz
Flag Quiz is a trivia games that you will spend time with fun and enjoy and challange your knowledge.
Flag Quiz app is a trivia games about flags and countries of the world. This free quiz app will help you to learn not only all the flags of the world, but also countries names from countries flags.
Flags Quiz App has all the flags of the world. There are 4 mode of game.
Flag Normal Mode
- You will given 4 flag at answers. You have to choose right flag that asked in question
- You have to answer each question in given 10 seconds. If you don't answer in time that means you give wrong answer and you will proceed next question.
-You will get point for each correct answer and lost points for each wrong aswers
Country Normal Mode
- You will given 4 country names at answers. You have to choose right name from the flag in question
- You have to answer each question in given 10 seconds. If you don't answer in time that means you give wrong answer and you will proceed next question.
-You will get point for each correct answer and lost points for each wrong aswers
Flag Time Trial
- You will given 4 flag at answers. You have to choose right flag that asked in question
- You have to answer each question in given 10 seconds. If you don't answer in time that means you give wrong answer and you will lose game
-You will get point for each correct answer and lost game at first wrong answer
Country Time Trial
- You will given 4 country names at answers. You have to choose right name from the flag in question
- You have to answer each question in given 10 seconds. If you don't answer in time that means you give wrong answer and you will lose game
-You will get point for each correct answer and lost game at first wrong answer