關於FNF Corruption Takeover Mod
玩和享受星期五有趣的 FNF 腐敗接管整週 Mod
Corruption Takeover is a Corruption fan-mod created by PieDaDude that takes a new approach to the Corruption's story. It has 2 weeks currently.
Pico, Nene, and Skid are some of the few survivors in this corruption apocalypse world, but sadly GF & BF didn't make it and got infected by some type of corruption. One day Corrupted Evil BF runs into his best friend Pico and decides to corrupt him. It is up to Pico to save his friends by killing Boyfriend. (Insane ending!). This feels like the walking dead, it almost feels like a zombie mod. Oh yeah, I couldn't fit corruption takeover in the thumbnail, so I'll just put corrupt takeover for now.
Include OST : Frostbite , Loaded, Unable, and One SHot Song. Check it out, have fun