關於Focus Blur : Photo blur background
Focus Blur photo editor is a image blur app to apply multiple blur or blurry effects to an image and to create blur background . Focus blur , a complete unique blurred image app for creating awesome DSLR type effect .
Blurring photo is every easy and it don't take more time to get blurred image , blir picture background and helps to remove and blur unwanted image. Focus yourself and defocus other people is your photo . Make nice blur background for your image using this amazing pic blur application .
Bluur image by using our amazing blurry effects . Add motion blur effect to photo like running bluerring editor pose , jumping pose image background . Get lens blur effect , bullar effect and image blur by using our awesome. This image blur editor contains many photo blurred effects to give your photo a blurry background .
Using our blur effects you can experience output of different type of blur pictures. blir background can be generated using this amazing blir app. Don't want to show some important information in your photo , then just use our blur focus photo editor app and blur image or hide those portion of image and save your privacy.
Photography is about discovering and exploring the world around us, and our app that allow you to blur the background of your dslr camera photos will help you create better images of your daily discoveries captured in an Android phone with a DSLR type effect. Using the different blur effects will undoubtedly assist you in creating more memorable blur photos with dslr camera effects in since you'll be able to highlight the subject of your photos and add a touch of blur photo editing values to your background photos. Use this image blur app and add a blur background effect .
Blur picture gives an extraordinary look to your photo.Focus blur is very easy photo blur background app for blurring and also for unblurring images . Focus blur supports 8 types of blurs.
Types of Blur effect :
1. Gaussian Blur
2. Motion Blur
3. Box Blur
4. Glass Blur
5. Circle Blur
6. Mixed (circle + box)
7. Mosaic blur
8. Crystal blur
Download today and blur image to get a professional photography type image . Focus blur is specially designed to give effect like DSLR , movie type motion effect , hiding unwanted persons from your image and to protect your privacy .
* User friendly app Interface
* 8 stylish blur effects to change background photos * Supports multiple blur effects like gaussian blur, motion blur, box blur, glass blur, focus blur etc * Adjustable intensity of blur to increase and decrease strength of blur to get a perfect blur image
* Brush size allows you to adjust blur radius using brush tool.
* Invert effect to add invert effect to image .
* Unblur - using unblur button to remove blur from image . * Scale image to apply blur - use fingers to zoom and apply blur or to unblur image. * Photo effects - multiple photo effects are there to give a completely look to image and photo backgrounds.
* No internet connection required while using this app.
* Saved image can be set as device wallpaper.
* Share images through various social media platforms (via) like facebook, whatsapp ,Instagram and etc.
How to use :
1.Click on the start button
2.Select image from the gallery .
3.Crop image to make blur effects more efficient .
4.Select blur effects like mosaic , box , gaussian ,glass circle , motion etc.
5.Adjust strength of blur and brush size.
6. Scale to apply blur on small portion of image.
7.Click on unblur button to unblur image .
8.Apply photo blur effect to your images.
9.Finally,Click on the Save button