關於Foxy Music
狡猾的音樂 - 在線/離線聽音樂VK非官方的應用程序。
Foxy Music - non-official application for online and offline listening to VK music.
• All music are available in the app.
• Offline music listening (with caching possibility)
• Listening playlists created in the VK
• Available sections:
- Recommended
- Specially for you
- New music
- Popular music
• Search for audio
• Ability to add/remove music
• Ability to listen your groups music
• Download music to your device
• There is no need to make your audio recordings visible to everyone.
Please note that the application does not contain a database of audio recordings, but provides access to those that you added or found in the VK. When downloading or caching, the corresponding audio files should not violate anyone's copyrights. Thank you for understanding that there is an advertising in application, funds from advertising go to application improving.