* Fix crash when sharing images or exporting collections
* Reduce memory consumption in GPU
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 Fractview 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 Fractview 所有舊版本。下載 Fractview 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
* Fix crash when sharing images or exporting collections
* Reduce memory consumption in GPU
* Added a tutorial
* Added export/import function to favorites.
* Improved precision of sqrt and rad, increased range of exp and log
* UI improvements
* Some new fractal types
* Fixed many crashes
Under the hood: Switched to gson, lots of code polishing.
Added some fractal types, confirm zoom, fixed bugs
Several new features compared to version 3.1:
* Improved usability (sharing, saving, setting wallpaper is now separated)
* App will not go to sleep if focussed
* Improved color picker
* Rotation lock
* Bars to show bounds of image
* Copy/paste for color palettes
* Palette editor with drag/drop support
* More intuitive sample menu
* New presets (check out twofold with exponential smoothing + branch)
Thanks for valuable comments on the beta versions. Enjoy this release.
3.1: Added icons and modified some presets slightly.
3.0.92: Modified presets, they are nice now.
3.0.91: Added some dialogs, i.e. waiting when saving an unfinished picture, replaced progress bar by a real progress bar (reducing the necessity to redraw the image), added spectacular reflection to most presets, added Fold preset that creates great images, also added "valuetransfer" to "light"-parameters.
3.0.1: Moved "program" to "Edit"-menu, fixed two bugs (variables in extern expressions), fixed faulty smooth-function, changed coordinates in lyapunov preset
3.0.0: Presets is now in the main menu. Nice new presets with previews and 3d-mode! Many tweaks on the UI (better context menus on long-click, much more intuitive), updated the Palette-UI, the underlying language supports now select-statements and for-loops, fixed crashes when the app is terminated in the background and then restarted.
3.0.0: Presets is now in the main menu. Nice new presets with previews and 3d-mode! Many tweaks on the UI (better context menus on long-click, much more intuitive), updated the Palette-UI, the underlying language supports now select-statements and for-loops, fixed crashes when the app is terminated in the background and then restarted.
Some tweaks on the presets (colors, different addend as default), and check out the new Julia Map preset.
Improvements to the language: new functions (rabs, iabs, flip, dot, circlefn, ...), lambda expressions, presets received a lot of attention (new orbit traps, addend, domain coloring, improved lyapunov...), VM reduced in size, hence faster starting time after an update. Enjoy this update.
Fixed bug that crashes on rotate when progress is shown.
Build using the old Android SDK 21; Android SDK 23 too buggy (issues with Renderscript)
Fixed Android 6 saving images
Added dialog when saving image
Changed format of Parameters (now it is in the order of the preset)
Changed "juliap" to "juliapoint" in all presets.
Fix of annoying Android 6 SDK-bug for Android 5 systems.
Most important: FIXED SAVING IMAGES IN ANDROID 6. Please report if there are problems with Android 5.
Added dialog when saving image
Changed format of Parameters (now it is in the order of the preset)
Changed "juliap" to "juliapoint" in all presets.
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