Frequency in its current state is a proof-of-concept of what Frequency will become.
Based on Randall Munroe's #1331 xkcd comic named Frequency where the author puts in perspective time through the use of common events.
As of now, Frequency only has the original events in xkcd comic. This will change once the server is up and new events are made available.
Events available:
One birth
One death
Someone edits Wikipedia
Someone buys a vibrator
China builds a car
Japan builds a car
Germany builds a car
The US builds a car
Someone else builds a car
A European Union resident has their first kiss
A US fire department puts out a fire
Someone hits a hole -in - one
My turn signal blinks
The turn signal of the car in front of me blinks
Earthquake (magnitude 1)
Earthquake (magnitude 2)
Earthquake (magnitude 3)
Earthquake (magnitude 4)
A member of the UK parliament flushes a toilet
An airline flight takes off
Someone buys To Kill a Mockingbird
Someone 's pet cat kills a mockingbird
Someone in Phoenix buys new shoes
Someone in Phoenix puts on a condom
Someone locks their keys in their car
A Sagittarius named Amelia drinks a soda
A dog bites someone in the US
Someone steals a bicycle
A bald eagle catches a fish
50,000 plastic bottles are produced
50,000 plastic bottles are recycled
A bright meteor is visible somewhere
Old Faithful erupts
A fishing boat catches a shark
Someone in the US is diagnosed with cancer
Someone in the US dies from cancer
Someone adopts a dog from a shelter
Someone adopts a cat from a shelter
Someone gets married
Someone registers a domain
Someone in the US buys a house
Someone in the US gets a tattoo
The star PSR J1748 -2446 AD rotates 1, 000 times
Someone lies about their age to sign up for Facebook
Someone breaks an iPhone screen
A Little League player strikes out
Someone has sex in North Dakota
Justin Bieber gains a follower on Twitter
Someone in Denver orders pizza
Future features:
Add custom events.
Download events from online database.
Upload events to online database.
Group of events based on the category of the event.