關於Fresh Fire Radio
Fresh Fire Radio是一個基督教祈禱電台,聆聽和享受。
You are welcome to Fresh Fire Radio. It is a station that is dedicated primarily to promote the good news of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and to preach the gospel to the poor, bind the broken heart, proclaim liberty to the captives, open the prison gate to those bound by the devil and establish the abundance of life of our Lord Jesus Christ in the lives of people.
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FreshFire Radio
Brother Kay (Rev. Kay ElBlessing) is a servant of God called, anointed by God and sent forth into his generation to preach the gospel to the poor, bind the broken heart, proclaim liberty to the captives, open the prison gate to those bound by the devil and establish the abundance of life of our Lord Jesus Christ in the lives of people.
Rev. Kay ElBlessing has been called and has great passion for restoring the prayer life of believers in the body of Christ and also warning people about the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He has served in both the intercessory and children ministry in Agape Life Ministries.
* Prayer Line information updated
* Contact Details updated