+++ FSXPilot - 為FSX,X-PLANE10和11,FSX-SE和P3D +++通用自動駕駛儀
FSXPilot is the world's leading universal autopilot for fixed wing aircraft and helicopters in flight simulation.
With this app you can connect to your flight simulator over the local LAN.
FSXPilot for PC (free shareware version available,visit www.fsxpilot.com) must be installed on your flightsim computer.
Observe aircraft parameters and the exact position of your aircraft on a versatile GoogleMap while running Microsoft Flight Simulator X, X-PLANE, FSX Steam or Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D.
We have now version 1.7:
- crash upon FSXPilot connect removed
- mocking of phone no longer possible
Versions 1.3 - 1.5:
- requested 'stop tracking/flightplan' command implemented
- Locked target is displayed in parameters with distance (nm) and ETE / ETA
- 'follow plane' now allows for free map zoom operations in map mode
Previous versions:
Plan your local or intercontinental flights 'on the fly' by simply tapping on your phone or tablet screen. This app will send the latitude and longitude of your waypoints directly to FSXPilot server which will precisely turn your aircraft into the new headings. During your flight, observe basic flight parameters and send commands for changing indicated airspeed, taxi speeds, flight level (altitude), aircraft heading or target selection from thousands of FSXPilot's (PC) AIRAC targets. Initiate automated takeoffs and ILS landings from your phone. Holdings, GPS auto landings and touch and go procedures can be performed on almost any airfield worldwide.
Zoom down to runway level and create taxiplans by simply fingertapping on the taxiways you want to use. Your plane will follow the taxi directions immediately and even stop at your last taxi waypoint (usually at gate or at a runway holding point). Best precision with P3D
Stop engine, restart engine and initiate a pushback via your phone / tablet.
Switch to helicopter mode on PC and enjoy controlling the heli via your phone. Navigate. Hover or land at a certain position.
Experimental 'phone yoke' so that you can fly by just banking and tilting your phone and operate flaps, gear and wheelbrakes - live.
App will automatically pause (enable this under 'Options') FSX or P3D on an incoming phonecall.
A step-by-step description on how to set up FSXPilot and FSXPilot APP is here:
A working installation of Flight Simulator X (FS9 not supported), FSX Steam or Prepar3D, computer connected to your LAN or WLAN
FSXPilot for Windows PC
Your android phone or tablet connected to your LAN or WLAN
A little learning curve
Installation and first run:
Please visit http://www.fsxpilot.com, download and install the latest version of FSXPilot Shareware.
If you cannot connect, please check (phone) IP address and port number again.
Open the port (computer) in your firewall.
'normal GPS' over the satellites is not available as long as you mock your GPS !
Mocking (spoofing) the GPS of your phone sometimes needs a restart for your phone to make 'normal' GPS available again.
The author hereby notifies that the implemented procedures and behaviors may differ significantly from the behavior of real aircraft and excludes any liability for the adoption of inappropriate skills that may lead to accidents, damage or personal injury, when applied to operation of real aircraft.
The author refuses and excludes, in addition, any liability for unwanted effects on the phone or tablet or computer on which the software is installed and executed, or with other software, or on a network-connected computer.
App crash after FSXPilot connect in android 7.0 removed.
FSXPilot 1.6
FSXPilot 1.4
FSXPilot 1.3
FSXPilot 1.2