This is a simple and easy-to-use music player app that allows you to modify your music in a broad variety of ways.
It features an artificial-intelligence based Karaoke Engine. This engine allows users to enhance or reduce the loudness of various instruments for any given audio track. For instance, it allows you to reduce the vocal volume so that you can sing along. The entire processing is done locally on your device. Thus, no Internet connection is required (unless you want to use a web radio).
In addition, the music player allows you to apply a large variety of audio effects (Delay, Flanger, Wah-Wah,...) and various digital filters (High Pass, Low Pass, Band Pass, ...) to any kind of music. These audio effects and filters can arbitrarily be combined.
In order to better visualize your music the FunPlayer features a real-time spectrum generator allowing you to view both the spectrum and the spectrogram of the music you are listening to.
As an additional feature this music player app also comes with a time-stretching engine to increase or decrease the playback speed by up to a factor of two. This means you can adjust the playback speed of any kind of music signal without changing the pitch. You can choose from different time stretching algorithms.
The FunPlayer works with both files stored locally on your device and web radio stations. This music player allows you to search for your favorite web radio station and store them in a list of your preferred radio stations.
FunPlayer 1.1
FunPlayer 1.0