G&E News 环球东方/環球東方 新闻是以“环球视野,东方智慧”为理念,以及最新的文字图片新闻信息等融合而成的新媒体播出终端。
G&E News 环球东方/環球東方 新闻是以“环球视野,东方智慧”为理念,整合了美国环球东方传媒公司在北美各地播出的华语、英语和西班牙语的即时广播节目,加上环球东方电视视频新闻和专题节目,以及最新的文字图片新闻信息等融合而成的新媒体播出终端。
G&E News环球东方新闻透过即时网上广播、视频节目和平面图文新闻资讯等多媒体手段,有华语、英语和西班牙语等语言,透过广电网、互联网和通信网提供全球受众三网合一的视听新享受。
G&E News环球东方新闻是提供优质新闻和资讯服务的综合网络新媒体平台。
G & E News,(环球东方/環球東方) with "Global vision, Eastern wisdom" as main concept, integrated G&E Studio’s Chinese, English and Spanish broadcasting programs, GETV, video news and special features, latest fusion of text and picture news and etc to form a brand new media broadcasting zenith.
G & E News using instant online radio, video, streaming, graphics news and other multimedia tools using Chinese, English and Spanish languages, through radio, Internet and communication networks to provide a three in one audio-visual enjoyment to audiences global wide.
G & E News is an integrated network of new media platforms that provide quality news and information services.
- Optimized Design with new Themes and Colors
- Bug Fixes for known issues
- Optimizations to boost performance
- Patches implemented for known security issues
环球东方新闻 6.23.36
环球东方新闻 5.6.3
环球东方新闻 5.6.2
环球东方新闻 5.4.3