關於Galaxy Warfare - Space MMORPG
Galaxy Warfare is a grid-based space exploration and combat MMORPG game. It is simple to play, but difficult to master. Players each control a ship and are free to explore a X,Y based galaxy, with planets, resources and mysteries. Players also engage in combat, craft items, form fleets, enhance their ship and systems and fight to control the galaxy.
"A database in space!" - Sinturion
The Story:
Humans and Terai have long been at war. Out of the ruin of Earth came the Earth Empire, a force struggling to maintain control of the Galaxy and it's resources. The Terai, a brutal alien race continue to expand their power. Between the two arose the Vile Rogues, a faction of those who are disobedient and careless of the ways of the other races. An ancient civilization known as the Tularians hold the key to unlocking the secret of a great energy source, but which faction will find and control this energy and win the war?
- bug fix