關於General Education Academy
The general education academy application helps you to learn anything on mathematics equations. You will learn at your own pace and understand very clearly on anything you wish to learn. You may have found it difficult understanding any equation in the past but, with this app at your finger tip, you will learn and understand virtually any equation under this earth through this app. It deals with solving and teaching you those things you find it hard to understand in arithmetic very easily.
You learn at your own pace so that you can understand it very clearly, this is very useful having as a student you need this app if you really want to understand anything pertaining mathematics.
You can learn mathematics, calculus, algebra 1, algebra 2, trigonometry, physics, biology, chemistry, statistics and so on and so forth. There are many more you can learn through this app.
The instructor that will be teaching you is the world renounced mathematician who has devoted his time and resources and make available this awesome tutorial, Mr Salman Kahn, of the Kahnacademy.