關於Geo Converter
Geo converter is a tool used to convert coordinates in map projection, using projection UTM and Gauss
The typical functions of Geo Converter:
+ Tools 1 - Convert geodetic coordinates to map grid coordinates and vice versa by map projections. You can choose UTM projection (3 degree and 6 degree) or Gauss projection (choose scale reduce factor is 1).
+ Tools 2 - Convert flat coordinates from current zone to other zone (change central meridian or zone wide) using UTM projection.
+ Tools 3 - Setup local parameters: Reference system (Datum, Elipsoid), Central meridian, Zone, Scale reduction factor,...
Geo Converter support 6 common language in the world (English, French, Chinese, Russia, Spanish and Vietnamese)
Keyworks: Locate, waypoint, convert geodetic, Measuring coordinates, Avoid stray, Xcompass, Super GeoGPS