關於George Warnock Bible Sermons
可免費下載演講者喬治·沃諾克 (George Warnock) 的 mp3 格式的音頻佈道。
Brother George Warnock was used of the Lord in the latter rain movement which he had influence in. He wrote some books which were corrections to imbalances in his day. His well known book was: "The Feast Of Tabernacles"
His heart has been to serve the body of Christ and see a last days manifestation of a pure Church that Jesus Christ will redeem as His bride. He tentmaked as a carpenter until well into retirement. He resided in Cranbrook, BC, Canada until his death.
"Can the clay say to the potter, what are you making?"
(Isaiah 45:9)
"But we have this treasure in fragile earthen pots,
in order that the surpassing greatness of the power may be seen to be God's
and not to come from us."
(2 Cor. 4:7, Weymouth)