This app reveals what 107 thoughts are blocking your breakthrough to success through one-of-a-kind Mindset coaching.
Getyob is your success coach that helps you break through self-limiting beliefs that guide you in the wrong direction in your life and gets you back on track towards your dreams.
Learn which of the 107 beliefs are sabotaging your success in life and get step-by-step coaching for each of them through audio, video and written explanations.
This app includes:
*A one-of-a-kind Mindset test to help you determine where you currently stand in life
*E-book “Mindset for Success” that shares a personal success story that will inspire you to write our own
*Weekly stories that help you change your mindset about success and wake up to your purpose
*A Success Coach that guides you to an empowering state of mind by breaking once and for all through self-created limitations and fears
Start living the life you want and GET YOUR OWN BREAKTHROUGH with GETYOB.
Getyob is free to download and use. Getyob Success Coach subscription gives you access to additional features: Weekly coaching through videos and stories, and access to additional 10 tests with explanations in the form of videos, audios and texts. Success Coach subscription is automatically renewed every year until canceled. If the subscription is canceled, weekly coaching videos are disabled upon expiration, together with the 10 tests. Cancellation is possible anytime.