關於Glitter Wallpaper
Glitter wallpaper,has many interesting collections that you can use as wallpaper. For those of you who like Glitter wallpapers you must have this app. The best pictures about Glitter wallpapers that you can choose to set as wallpaper, and enjoy Glitter wallpapers.
Glitter wallpapers features:
* Contains 200+ high quality Glitter Picture.
* Set as Wallpaper or Lock Screen.
* Best mood desktop wallpaper.
* Compatible with 99% mobile phones and devices.
* Optimized battery usage.
* Share and Save your favorite Wallpaper with your friends.
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Most of the images/wallpapers in this app are public for license and credit goes to their respective owners. Any request to remove any of the images/wallpapers will be honored. Please email us at ahmadhaetami.mail@gmail.com