Goldwing Web
關於Goldwing Web
本田金翼摩托車利息信息GL1500 GL1800
Welcome to Goldwing on the Web
Ten Wing Rules: This is me sharing some of
my views about riding Goldwings by
pretending that there are ten golden rules
Riding a Golding: This is also me, I didnt
want to go beyond ten, so I put this section
Online Wing Forum: Links to GLRIDERS.COM log
in first time, then hotlink to it from here
Steve Saunders GWFacts: An amazing resource
of all things (and people) Goldwing- again,
log in once then hot link there.
Goldwing Docs: A repostory of useful
documents as you might imagine, but again,
great knowledgebase all round
So what's with Lightparades: Ever been to a
lightparade. Some of what you might expect
to find appears here using Scarborough 2012
as an example. Me, I love em!
Llandudno light parade: A Youtube video of
2013 Lightparade (see above)
Lightparade postings: Links to a website
only about lightparades!
JAFRUM: Is a non goldwing but very
informative bikers blog
Goldwing shopping: Well, what DO you buy a
fellow Winger for Xmas, Thanksgiving,
Bastille day etc...
Goldwings North Wales: Links to a local
website for my interest - well its my app!
Take a look!
Goldwings on Twitter: Not so busy, but this
link scans Twitter for Goldwing references,
you do not need to be a Twat (quoting our
esteemed UK prime minister) to view this.
Weblinks: Goldwingy stuff I like
Offline Goldwinks: Some of my photos with a
Goldwing flavour- these dont need a data
Fuelly: Login. A cool website that lets you
monitor fuel consumtion of a range of
vehicles simultaneously.
What is Fuelly: (see above) Im not on
commission for this site either. I do like
it however. Log in once, go back many times.
Email me: Go on. Ask me something. Go on!
Carl Clwydian
PS sorry the menu is so damn hard to read, I
cant get my head round the colour scheme at
all...Im working on it.
Goldwing Web歷史版本
Goldwing Web 1.3.5