關於good night plus
We have collected hundreds of images and goodnight.
good night plus is an application of images with good night's sentences.
We have Collected Hundreds of images and goodnight que u can share with people who love u as a friend, partner, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your sister, your family, etc ....
Good Night features plus:
★ You can set as wallpaper any image.
★ Save directly on your Smartphone.
★ Share on all social networks.
★ completely free.
LEGAL NOTE: The property entity that application reports containing images, some of which were obtained through the Internet. These images are in the public domain, as they are not identified by symbols or other information indicating the existence of reserved royalties on it. However, a clear will to respect rights under Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996 of 12 April, approving the revised text of the Copyright Act, and the obligations imposed by Law 34/2002, of July 11, services information society and electronic commerce, the creator of this application calls to any natural or legal person to be the owner of all images contained therein, accreditation via email to mobilesuccessms@gmail.com, compromising the creator of the application for removal immediately said image after checking, if applicable, the property of the protected image.